40,000 Danes have self-excluded from gambling 

29, Mar 2023

As one of the few countries in the world, Denmark has an effective tool for players who want to take a break from gambling. With ROFUS (register of self-excluded players) you can self-exclude from online gambling and gambling at land-based casinos for a period of your own choosing. Since the establishment of the register in 2012, the number of registered players has increased every year and currently, more than 40,000 Danes have excluded themselves from gambling.  

Constant rise in the number of registered players 

In February 2023, the number of persons registered with ROFUS reached 40,000. There has been a constant rise since 2012, when the register was established in connection with the partial liberalisation of the Danish gambling market.  

“The rise shows us that ROFUS is a useful and very meaningful tool,” says director of the Danish Gambling Authority Anders Dorph. “ROFUS plays an important role in ensuring the protection of players who need a short or long-term break from gambling”.  

Higher awareness of ROFUS 

The great increase in the number of registered persons may be due to the rise in the awareness of ROFUS. “Since 2016, we have worked intensely on improving the awareness of ROFUS”, Anders Dorph explains. “Among other things, we have launched two large campaigns on TV and social media, which were very successful. Our most recent figures from 2021 show that 45 percent off all Danes know of ROFUS. I believe that our campaigns have contributed to raising the awareness of ROFUS among the Danish population. It is important to us that the Danes know that they can opt to self-exclude if they feel that their gambling activities have gotten out of control.”  

Moreover, since 2020, it has been compulsory for online gambling operators to refer to ROFUS in their marketing.  

More persons self-exclude permanently  

In addition to the constant rise in registrations, two other tendencies have been consistent throughout the 11 years in which ROFUS’ has been active. The first is that the majority of the registered persons self-exclude from gambling permanently. 66 percent of the registered persons have opted for a permanent registration period. Nevertheless, it is possible to opt out of the register a year after the registration by contacting the Danish Gambling Authority. The second tendency is that most of the registered persons are men. In February 2023, the number was 76 percent.  

“It is essential to ensure a safe gambling market that those who need to self-exclude from gambling for a short while or a long-term period can do it easily and effectively,” says Anders Dorph. “That is why ROFUS is a success, and we are happy to be able to offer such an efficient tool for Danish players.” 

In addition to ROFUS, the Danish Gambling Authority also operates the helpline StopSpillet, where players, their family and friends, and professionals can call for advice and guidance about compulsive gambling.  

The number of self-excluded players reaches 40,000 (March 2023)

Increasingly more Danes choose to self-exclude from gambling. In February 2023, the number of persons registered with ROFUS (register of self-excluded players) reached 40,000. Just under two thirds have opted for a permanent exclusion.