Game supplier

A licence as supplier of games in Denmark covers betting, online casino games and combination games. Combination games have elements of both skill and chance. Backgammon, whist and yatzy are examples of combination games.

How to obtain a licence

You can apply for a licence from the Danish Gambling Authority. A supplier licence is valid for up to 5 years. You must use application form (2-06), Annex A (2-02) and Annex B-2 (no. 2-08). 

The application fee is DKK 64,500 (in 2025) and must be paid upon submission of your application at the latest. 

Information regarding renewal of your licence follows.

Form 2-06

Application for licence or application for renewal of licence for game suppliers.

Only available in Danish.

Form 2-02 - Annex A

Personal statement for game suppliers.

Only available in Danish.



Form 2-08 - Annex B-2

Information on game supply for game suppliers. 

Only available in Danish.

Form 2-04

Declaration from representative if the representative is a company, Annex C

Annex A

The following individuals in the company applying for a licence must fill out a personal declaration (Annex A - form 2-02): 

  • All the executive board members and board members
  • An appointed representative in Denmark, further described in Annex C – form 2-04
  • Beneficial owners in the concern related to the application company, further described in the description at the end to form 2-06

The Annex A persons ensures the provision of gambling in an appropriate and professional way by the applicant. The Danish Gambling Authority will assess based on the forwarded criminal records and declaration of debt and whether this involves a significant probability that the applicant will misuse the access to working with gambling activities. The applicant must not have any debts with public authorities.

The completing of Annex A is also a requirement if other persons by the applicant or within the concern possesses one of the above-mentioned roles. 

Certification programme

The Danish Gambling Authority’s certification programme for betting and online casino is set out to ensure that the gambling system and gambling equipment executes games in a correct way and that the security surrounding the gambling system is maintained. The Danish Gambling Authority’s certification programme supplements the gambling regulation, individual licence terms and the administrative practice set out by the Danish Gambling Authority.

Game suppliers must be certified at all times in accordance with those parts of the certification programme which apply to their specific offer of gambling products.

An update of the certification programme after introduction of licences for game suppliers is in progress, and will be out for consultation as soon as possible.

Feedback on consultation on updated certification programme for betting and online casino

Certificate program documents

Spillemyndighedens certificeringsprogram har til formål at sikre, at spilsystemet og spilteknisk udstyr afvikler spil på en korrekt måde, og at sikkerheden omkring spilsystemet bliver opretholdt. Spillemyndighedens certificeringsprogram supplerer spillovgivningen og de vilkår, der er fastsat for spiludbyderne og spilleverandører i tilladelserne, og den administrative praksis, som vi fastsætter.
Tilladelsesindehavere/spilleverandører skal til hver en tid være certificeret i overensstemmelse med de dele af certificeringsprogrammet, der gælder for deres spiludbud: 

DokumentFrekvensAnsvarlig for certificeringMetode for indsendelseFrist for indsendelse
SCP.00 Generelle krav----
SCP.01 Krav til RNG12 mdrSpilleverandører og tilladelsesindehavere med egne spilSpilportal1 md
SCP.02 Krav til base platform12 mdrTilladelsesindehavereKontaktformular**2 mdr
SCP.03 Ledelsessystem for informationssikkerhed12 mdrTilladelsesindehavere og spilleverandørerKontaktformular**2 mdr
SCP.04 Krav til penetrationstest12 mdrTilladelsesindehavere og spilleverandørerKontaktformular**2 mdr
SCP.05 Krav til sårbarhedsscanning3 mdrTilladelsesindehavere og spilleverandørerKontaktformular**1 md
SCP.06 Program for styring af systemændringer12 mdrTilladelsesindehavere og spilleverandørerKontaktformular**2 mdr
SCP.07 Krav til spil*12 mdrSpilleverandører og tilladelsesindehavere med egne spilSpilportal1 md

* Der findes tre versioner af krav til spil – ét for henholdsvis online væddemål, landbaserede væddemål og onlinekasino. 
** Når tilladelsesindehavere indsender certificeringsrapporter, skal de anvende kategorien ”Certificering – tilladelsesindehaver” i kontaktformularen på Spillemyndighedens hjemmeside. Spilleverandører skal anvende kategorien ”Certificering – Spilleverandør”.

To versioner af certificeringsprogrammet i overgangsperiode

Efter indførelsen af leverandørtilladelser pr. 1. januar 2025 er certificeringsprogrammet opdateret. Fra den 1. januar 2025 til 1. juli 2025 er der valgfrihed mellem den tidligere version og den opdaterede version. Den tidligere version kan findes i zip-filen herunder. Den opdaterede version kan findes under de enkelte dokumenter. 


Til hvert dokument er der tilknyttet en standardrapport med dokumentkoden SCP.XX.XX.DK, der skal bruges ved rapportering til Spillemyndigheden om certificeringer. Dokumentkoden for standardrapporter bruger samme systematik som dokumenterne i certificeringsprogrammet.

Standard reports
Former standard reports

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

When you have obtained a licence

Payment of fees

If you have a supplier licence, you must pay an annual fee of DKK 43,000 (in 2025).

Changes to the licence

If there are changes in the conditions on which the permit was issued, form 2-07 must be completed. If there are any changes to previously approved persons regarding the executive board members and board members, you must fill out form 2-07. If any new individuals are appointed to roles covered by Annex A, you must fill out form 2-02. 
The Danish Gambling Authority may decide that an individual covered by Annex A must resign from their post if they have been convicted of a criminal offence that involves a risk that they will misuse their access to working with gambling activities. 


Guidelines for supplier licences
Guide on Bluewhale

How to receive and send messages using Bluewhale

List of licensed game suppliers

See a list of licensed game suppliers