Guidelines for using logo and brand of the Danish Gambling Authority’s services “StopSpillet” and ROFUS

The following guidelines apply when using the Danish Gambling Authority’s logo of StopSpillet and the Danish Gambling Authority’s logo of ROFUS.

The guidelines also apply when using the two brands or the names “StopSpillet” and “ROFUS” / “Register Over Frivilligt Udelukkede Spillere”.

The guidelines outline how and in which connections StopSpillet and ROFUS can be mentioned and used in communications and marketing made by others than the Danish Gambling Authority. 

The guidelines apply to all types of communication and all types of marketing material, including print, digital, social media, TV, radio, cinema, outdoor, print on merchandise etc. 

The guidelines apply to legal entities, professionals and private individuals who want to use logos and/or the two brands “StopSpillet” and “ROFUS/Register Over Frivilligt Udelukkede Spillere” in ways beyond the compulsory use. 

The logo of StopSpillet

Logo of StopSpillet (StopGambling)

  • The logo’s design or proportions may under no circumstances be changed
  • The logo may only be depicted in the designated colours and must therefore not be used in for example black/white 
  • The logo may not be used in a manner implying that the Danish Gambling Authority is a sponsor of anyone using the logo 
  • The logo may not be used in a manner implying that the Danish Gambling Authority is a co-organiser or collaborator of anyone using the logo 
  • Anyone who uses the logo, regardless of the intention behind the use, is responsible for using the logo correctly
  • The logo may not be used in a way implying that StopSpillet is a service provided by the sender 
  • It must appear clearly and in connection with the use of the logo that StopSpillet is the Danish Gambling Authority’s service 
  • In connection with the use of the logo, there must be a description of StopSpillet 
  • The visual representation of the logo may not be copied or used in any other way than to refer to StopSpillet without prior agreement with the Danish Gambling Authority 
  • Anyone who uses the logo must at all times use the most recently released version of the logo produced by the Danish Gambling Authority.

The logo of ROFUS

ROFUS logo

  • The logo’s design or proportions may under no circumstances be changed
  • The logo may only be depicted in the designated colours and must therefore not be used in for example black/white 
  • The logo may not be used in a manner implying that the Danish Gambling Authority is a sponsor of anyone using the logo 
  • The logo may not be used in a manner implying that the Danish Gambling Authority is a co-organiser or collaborator of anyone using the logo 
  • Anyone who uses the logo, regardless of the intention behind the use, is responsible for using the logo correctly
  • The logo may not be used in a way implying that ROFUS is a service provided by the sender 
  • It must appear clearly and in connection with the use of the logo that ROFUS is the Danish Gambling Authority’s service 
  • In connection with the use of the logo, there must be a description of ROFUS 
  • The visual representation of the logo may not be copied or used in any other way than to refer to ROFUS without prior agreement with the Danish Gambling Authority 
  • Anyone who uses the logo must at all times use the most recently released version of the logo produced by the Danish Gambling Authority.

"StopSpillet" and "ROFUS" – names and brands

  • The name and brand may not be used in a manner giving the impression that the Danish Gambling Authority is a sponsor of anyone using the name/brand 
  • The name and brand may not be used in a manner giving the impression that the Danish Gambling Authority is a co-organiser or collaborator of anyone using the name/brand 
  • The use of the name/brand may not give the impression that StopSpillet/ROFUS are services provided by the sender 
  • It must appear clearly and in connection with the use of the name/brand that StopSpillet/ROFUS are the Danish Gambling Authority’s services 
  • In connection with the use of the name/brand, there must be a description of StopSpillet/ROFUS 
  • Anyone who uses the name and/or brand is responsible for ensuring that the name/brand are applied correctly, regardless of the intention behind the use

The Danish Gambling Authority must be notified 

The Danish Gambling Authority must always be notified in writing prior to using the Danish Gambling Authority’s logos/brands of StopSpillet and ROFUS rspectively, and prior to using the names “StopSpillet”, “ROFUS”/“Register Over Frivilligt Udelukkede Spillere”, when the usage is not covered by legislation. 

Please notify chief adviser Katja Arabelle Antabi
Phone: +45 72 37 93 85

If the Danish Gambling Authority find that StopSpillet’s or ROFUS’ logos, brands or names are used in a manner incompatible with the guidelines, the Danish Gambling Authority will require that the misleading use is stopped. 
Operators who use the logo(s), brand(s) and/or name(s) ”StopSpillet” and ”ROFUS”/”Register Over Frivilligt Udelukkede Spillere” in their marketing in a manner that may be considered misleading may be liable under the Danish Marketing Practices Act, section 3.

Logos for StopSpillet and ROFUS

Download the logos for the two brands here.

StopSpillet logo package
ROFUS logo

ROFUS logopakke

ROFUS-logo guidelines

Age limit for gambling – ”18+” sign

Licence holders are obligated to state the age limit for games. You may comply with the requirement by having an “18+” sign. Gambling operators with a licence from the Danish Gambling Authority are welcome to use the Danish Gambling Authority’s sign, but it is not required. You may use your own sign instead or in other ways state the age limit for a game. 

The “18+” sign is available for download here. 

The Danish Gambling Authority's 18+ sign

For stating the age limit for a game