Whistleblower scheme about money laundering

This whistleblower scheme can be used by employees and former employees of gambling operators to report gambling operators’ (potential) offences of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Who can file a report?

Employees and former employees at gambling operators and business partners to gambling operators can file a report to the whistleblower scheme.

If you are a player and want to file a report about a gambling operator’s offence of other legislation than the Anti-Money Laundering Act, for example the Danish Marketing Practices Act or responsible gambling, we refer you to the whistleblower scheme about the Danish Gambling Authority.

The Danish Gambling Authority recommend that reports, as far as possible, are made internally to employers and that reports to the Danish Gambling Authority are only made if a report cannot be made without a risk of potential reprisals.

You can report anonymously

In principle, reports to the Danish Gambling Authority via the whistleblower scheme are anonymous. It is, however, possible to state your identity and contact information in connection with the report. The information is stated in the textbox “description of (potential) breach”. After this, the Danish Gambling Authority can contact you if we need any further information.

If you report anonymously, the Danish Gambling Authority cannot contact you in case we need more information. Thus, it is important that you describe and document a potential offence as thoroughly and detailed as possible if you report anonymously.

You are welcome to attach documents.

Protection of whistleblowers

The Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower scheme is subject to the Whistleblower Protection Act. If you report to the Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower scheme you are in some cases ensured protection. The protection means that it is possible to report without fear of consequences affecting the employment or reprisals.

To be entitled to protection, it is important that the report does not include intentionally untrue or misleading information. Consequently, the protection under the act only applies if the whistleblower at the time of the report or publication has had reasonable grounds for assuming that the information of the report was correct.

For further information about protection and the exceptions to this, we refer you to the Whistleblower Protection Act – chapter 2.

What can be reported?

You can report gambling operators that have a licence from the Danish Gambling Authority.

The report can concern all (potential) offences of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The report may concern a gambling operator’s risk assessment, procedures, management of customer due diligence or a gambling operator’s failure to comply with the obligation to investigate, register, report and keep records.

This whistleblower scheme cannot be used to report a retailer’s failure to pay taxes, VAT or duties or other matters that are not covered by the Anti-Money Laundering Act. In this case, please use the whistleblower scheme about the Danish Gambling Authority.

Written reports to the Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower scheme are made by completing the form on this page. The report is received and assessed by the Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower unit, who make a preliminary and specific assessment of whether there are grounds for an actual processing of the case.

Whistleblowers who have stated their contact information in connection with the report will:

  • get a receipt for the Danish Gambling Authority’s reception of the report within 7 days
  • receive feedback about the Danish Gambling Authority’s assessment of the case within 3 months, and 6 months at the most
  • receive feedback about the final result of the case

Whistleblowers who have not stated their contact information will not receive feedback from the Danish Gambling Authority.

Our processing of your personal data

All reports to the Danish Gambling Authority’s whistleblower scheme are confidential. The Danish Gambling Authority is the data controller of the processing of the personal data which we receive.

The Danish Gambling Authority stores the personal data as long as it is necessary for the processing of the individual case. You can read more about your rights and the Danish Gambling Authority’s processing of sensitive personal data in our Privacy policy.