Revised guidance on money laundering

10, Jan 2020

Today, the Danish Gambling Authority has published a revised guidance on preventive measures against money laundering of proceeds and financing of terrorism.

The guidance is aimed at gambling operators, their employees, and other relevant stakeholders. The guidance is a supplement to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority’s guidance on the Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (The Anti-Money Laundering Act). 

The revised guidance includes a version history in which it is possible to see all amendments made. All amendments are further specified in the individual, relevant sections.

The guidance will be updated regularly following amendments of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, publication of new national and supranational risk assessments, and in case of new or changed practice. Every updated version will be announced on the website, and the version number on the front page will be adjusted to illustrate that a new version has been published. 

The guidance can be found under the menu For Businesses and Associations under the section Prevention of money laundering.

The Danish Gambling Authority's guidance on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism

Version 1.4

This guidance is aimed at gambling operators. The guide contains interpretations on how you as a gambling operator can live up to the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.