Invitation: New round of case-based training on anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism

05, Jul 2024

In November 2023 and April 2024, several authorities conducted case-based training on AML and financing of terrorism. The interest in participating far exceeded the availability of seats. Therefore, we offer a new round of case-based training on 31 October 2024. 

The Danish Business Authority, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, the Danish Financial Intelligence Unit, the Danish Gambling Authority, the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Tax Agency, the National Special Crime Unit and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority will organise case-based training on anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism for undertakings or persons subject to a reporting duty under the AML Act. 

The training is a repetition of the previous events. 
The four cases on money laundering and financing of terrorism are the same as previously. 

It is free to participate in the event. 

When and where

The Danish Business Authority, Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, on 31 October 2024, at 9:00am - 16:00 pm 

It will not be possible to participate virtually.

If you are subject to a reporting duty under the AML Act, and you are interested in the event, please register via the link no later than 15 September 2024. Please state your name, job title, industry, company name and which event is of interest to you.

Submit your information here

Due to the format of the training, there will be limited available spots at the event. We will strive to distribute the spots equally between the different industries covered by the Anti-Money Laundering Act. We will let you know soon after the deadline, where you have been allocated a spot. 

How the training takes place

The training will not be conducted in a traditional sense. It will be based on four cases on money laundering and terrorist financing. The cases are so broad that there will be angles from all the above organisers and the different cases have been created with input from the industries. 

The event is a mix of plenary training and group dialogues, and there will be ample opportunity for knowledge sharing and questions. There will be trainers from the Danish Business Authority, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, the Danish Financial Intelligence Unit, the Danish Gambling Authority, the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Tax Agency, the National Special Crime Unit and the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. The training is in Danish. 

The background for the case-based training

The purpose of the event is to strengthen the level of knowledge and exchange of experience among employees in and across public authorities and private companies. This as part of the 'Money Laundering Forum' and 'The National Strategy'.