
Find the latest news from The Danish Gambling Authority and search the archives for news from 2011 to today.

13. Dec 2023
Danmarks Nationalbank has recently announced that they will phase out the 1000-krone banknote.
12. Dec 2023
For the first time, the Danish Gambling Authority launches a nationwide initiative targeting young people under the age of 18 that focuses on the consequences associated with gambling.
01. Dec 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has launched the website StyrPå which is a platform that gathers all relevant information about
28. Nov 2023
A person has accepted two fines totaling DKK 100,000 for illegally distributing games. The person advertised for operators without permission to offer games in Denmark.
01. Nov 2023
Figures from a new study show that approximately 32,000 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 have gambled online in the past year.
03. Oct 2023
This article is a continuation of the article "Player ID requirements for gambling at physical retailers" from 25 September 2023.
29. Sep 2023
From 1 October 2023, ROFUS also includes betting in physical stores in Denmark. The extension applies to new registrations created on and after 1 October 2023.
25. Sep 2023
From 1 October 2023, it will be mandatory for players to identify themselves with a so-called Player ID when buying bets at a physical retailer, such as kiosks or betting shops.
14. Sep 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has prepared new requirements for inspection standards for land-based betting.
13. Sep 2023
On April 22, 2022, DK Gambling ApS was placed under bankruptcy proceedings.
01. Sep 2023
The Danish Business Authority, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, the Danish Financial Intelligence Unit, the Danish Gambling Authority, the Danish Bar and Law Society, the Danish Tax Ag
30. Aug 2023
A streamer has accepted a fine of DKK 10,000 for advertising unlicensed gambling providers via Twitch. 
28. Aug 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has been successful in the district court to have 49 websites offering illegal gambling in Denmark blocked.
02. Aug 2023
Since 1 April, the Danish Gambling Authority has been secretariat of the national platform for combating match-fixing.
02. Aug 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has updated the monthly statistics with data from June 2023.
17. Jul 2023
On 17 July, a new national campaign for StopSpillet will be launched on social media. The campaign will also be visible on outdoor posters all over Denmark at bus stops and on busses.
14. Jul 2023
Today, the Danish Gambling Authority has released a revised version of the guidance on preventive measures against money laundering of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism (the Anti-Money L
26. Jun 2023
Persons and undertakings, including gambling providers, are required to conduct enhanced customer due diligence (EDD) pursuant to art.
22. Jun 2023
Figures from a new report from the Danish Gambling Authority show that every Dane over the age of 18 spent an average of DKK 2,350 on gambling in 2022.
20. Jun 2023
In March 2023, the Danish National Tax Tribunal decided that the Danish Gambling Authority in some cases is not subject to the special and enhanced duty of confidentiality of section 17 of the Tax
12. Jun 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has updated the monthly statistics with data from March and April 2023. 
23. May 2023
For the third time, the Danish Gambling Authority releases the report “The Gambling Market in Numbers”, which provides an overview of the year that has passed on the Danish gambling market. 
22. May 2023
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) has published a guidance on the application of MitID as control measure when performing customer due diligence. 
16. May 2023
Since the Danish Gambling Authority established the helpline about compulsive gambling StopSpillet in 2019, the advisers have received almost 2,500 calls and chats.
09. May 2023
On 8 May 2023, an association in Copenhagen was fined DKK 15,000 and confiscation of DKK 5 million for organising illegal bingo for its members on a daily basis for a number of years.
03. May 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority has published a new version of the technical requirements that apply to operators of online casino and/or betting.
20. Apr 2023
The Danish Gambling Authority have prepared new requirements for inspection standards regarding land-based betting.
20. Apr 2023
In February 2023, the total gambling spend on betting, online casino, gaming machines and land-based casino amounted to DKK 496 million compared to February 2022.
03. Apr 2023
On 1 April 2023, the secretariat of the national platform for combating match-fixing from Anti Doping Denmark will be moved to the Danish Gambling Authority.
03. Apr 2023
From now on, the quarterly statistics and the monthly key figures will be replaced by monthly statistics, where the same figures known from the quarterly statistics will be published monthly.