Update of the Danish Gambling Authority’s Anti-Money Laundering guidance

14, Jul 2023

Today, the Danish Gambling Authority has released a revised version of the guidance on preventive measures against money laundering of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism (the Anti-Money Laundering guidance). 

It is a minor update especially addressed to land-based gambling operators. The update includes revision of the sections on risk factors of land-based betting (section 3.2.3), training (section 5.2) and outsourcing (section 7.2).  

In addition, minor updates have been made in connection with the release of a new supranational risk assessment on 27 October 2022 and a new national risk assessment of money laundering on 12 January 2023. Moreover, the section referring to the requirement for an address have been revised since the requirement was removed from the Executive Order on online casino and Executive Order on online betting as of 1 July 2022. 

The updated guidance includes a version history on which the amendments of the specific sections are listed.

The guidance will be regularly updated as the Anti-Money Laundering Act is amended, new national and supranational risk assessments are released, and new practice is implemented or changed. The Danish Gambling Authority expects that the next update of the AML guidance will be of a greater scope. The updated guidance is expected to be released during 2024. The following update will be sent out for consultation before the release. 

The guidance is available under "Businesses and associations” and” Prevention of money laundering” 

The Danish Gambling Authority's guidance on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism

Version 1.4

This guidance is aimed at gambling operators. The guide contains interpretations on how you as a gambling operator can live up to the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.