The Danish Gambling Authority publishes report on illegal gambling

30, Mar 2023

The Danish Gambling Authority has just published the annual report on our work to prevent illegal gambling in Denmark. In 2022, there was a particular focus on websites that provide access to gambling sites without Danish permission.

Among other things, the report provides an overview of how many illegal websites the Danish Gambling Authority has blocked in the past year and it also describes other efforts made by the Danish Gambling Authority to minimize illegal gambling in Denmark.

Illegal mediation on Twitch

In 2022, there was extra focus on websites that relay access to gambling sites without a Danish license and that give tips on where self-excludes players may play, even if you have excluded yourself from online games via the Gambling Authority's Register of Voluntarily Excluded Players (ROFUS).

Another trend that emerged in 2022 was illegal marketing and dissemination via the streaming platform Twitch. After establishing that many streamers are unaware that their mediation was illegal, the Danish Gambling Authority has made a great effort to guide them on the applicable rules.


Report on illegal gambling 2022

Report describing the Danish Gambling Authority's work on illegal gambling in 2022.