
Online casino

Online casino includes roulette, black jack, baccarat, punto banco, poker, online bingo, and gambling on gaming machines as well as other games, which have an element of both skill and chance. These games are called combination games. Backgammon, whist and guessing competitions are examples of combination games.

The Gambling Act only covers online casino games if the following the conditions are met:

  • Participants pay a stake (money or similar)
  • The game is roulette, black jack, baccarat, punto banco, poker, online bingo and gambling on gaming machines or a combination game
  • Participants through the payment have a chance of winning a prize (all kinds of prizes)

Lotteries are games that are 100 % random, for instance lotto and scratch cards. These games are not covered by the term online casino. 
Online casino games (including combination games) may only be provided with a licence to provide online casino issued by the Danish Gambling Authority.

How to obtain a licence

You can apply for a licence from the Danish Gambling Authority. A licence to provide online casino is valid for up to 5 years. You must use application forms no. 2-01, Annex A (no. 2-02), Annex B (no. 2-03) and, if necessary, Annex C (no. 2-04). 

The application fee is DKK 327,500 (in 2025) and must be paid upon submission of your application at the latest. If you are applying for a combined licence to provide both betting and online casino you must pay a total application fee of DKK 458,500 (in 2025).

If you apply for a renewal of your licence, you must pay an application fee of DKK 131,000 (in 2025). You must pay th fee no later than when you submit your application. If you apply for a renewal of your licence to offer both betting and online casino, you must pay a total application fee of DKK 163,800 (in 2025).

The English versions of the guidelines are unofficial translations. In case of any discrepancy between the original Danish text and the English translations of the guidelines, the Danish text shall prevail.

Budget template - Online gambling

Budget template for application for licence to offer online gambling products

Form 2-01

Application for a licence or renewal of a licence to provide betting and/or online casino

Form 2-01 GRL

Eqquiniutinik tuniniaasarnissamut aamma/imaluunniit internetsikkut aningaasanoortarfimmik ingerlataqarnissamut pisinnaatitsissummik qinnuteqarneq

Form 2-02

Personal declaration Annex A

Form 2-03

Information about gambling supply Annex B

Form 2-04

Declaration from representative if the representative is a company, Annex C

Annex A

The following individuals in the company applying for a licence must fill out a personal declaration (Annex A - form 2-02): 

  • Individuals (sole-proprietor companies) 
  • All the stakeholders of a participating joint venture company 
  • All the executive board members and board members 
  • An appointed representative in Denmark, further described in Annex C – form 2-04
  • Beneficial owners in the concern related to the application company, further described in the description at the end to form 2-01

The Annex A persons ensures the provision of gambling in an appropriate and professional way by the applicant. The Danish Gambling Authority will assess based on the forwarded criminal records and declaration of debt and whether this involves a significant probability that the applicant will misuse the access to working with gambling activities. The applicant must not have any debts with public authorities.
The completing of Annex A is also a requirement if other persons by the applicant or within the concern possesses one of the above-mentioned roles. 

General technical requirements

To obtain a licence to provide online gambling in Denmark, it is required that the gambling operator gives the Danish Gambling Authority access to a data warehouse (SAFE), to which the gambling operator continuously transfers and saves gambling data by use of the security system Tamper Token. 

Moreover, it is required that the gambling operator controls the presence of any player in ROFUS (the register of self-excluded persons).

These documents provide you with an overview of the requirements for the technical configuration.

Technical requirements - online casino and betting

Description of the Danish Gambling Authority’s requirements regarding SAFE, TamperToken, ROFUS and notification obligations

  • XSD forms for ROFUS service calls at registration and login.
  • Example of the service call GamblerCheck in java- and .net versions.
  • XSD forms for ROFUS service call regarding ”No thank you to gambling commercials”.
  • XSD forms for TamperToken service calls.
  • Example of zip file with fixed odds transactions in XML format.
Requirements for reporting game data

Detailed description of requirements regarding reporting of game data e.g. reporting frequency, data content and error handling etc.

May be used up to and including 14 June 2025.

Requirements for the reporting of game data (mandatory from 15 June 2025)

Mandatory from 15 June 2025 - may be used now, provided approval from the Danish Gambling Authority of test data for specific elements before use.

XSD - online casino

XSD forms for standard records, used for reporting of game data

Standard Record Validator Tool

Tool for validating XML files

Certification programme


Certificate program documents

The Danish Gambling Authority’s certification programme is set out to ensure that the gambling system and gambling equipment executes games in a correct way and that the security surrounding the gambling system is maintained. The Danish Gambling Authority’s certification programme supplements the gambling regulation, individual licence terms and the administrative practice set out for licence holders and game suppliers by the Danish Gambling Authority.
The licence holders and game suppliers must be certified at all times in accordance with those parts of the certification programme which apply to their specific offer of gambling products:

DocumentFrequencyResponsible for certificationMethod for submissionDeadline for submission
SCP.00 General requirements----
SCP.01 Requirements for RNG12 monthsGame suppliers and licence holders with their own gamesGames register1 month
SCP.02 Requirements for base platform12 monthsLicence holdersContact form**2 months
SCP.03 Information Security Management System12 monthsLicence holders and game suppliersContact form**2 months
SCP.04 Requirements for penetration testing12 monthsLicence holders and game suppliersContact form**2 months
SCP.05 Requirements for vulnerability scanning3 monthsLicence holders and game suppliersContact form**1 month
SCP.06 Change management programme12 monthsLicence holders and game suppliersContact form**2 months
SCP.07 Requirements for games*12 monthsGame suppliers and licence holders with their own gamesGames register1 month

* There are 3 versions of requirements for games - One for online betting, one for land-based betting and one for online casino. 
** When licence holders submit certification reports they must select the category “Certification – Licence holder” in the contact form on the Danish Gambling Authority’s website. Game suppliers must select the category “Certification – Game supplier”.

Two versions of the certification program during transition period

Following the introduction of supplier licencees as of January 1, 2025, the certification program has been updated. From January 1, 2025 to July 1, 2025, there is a choice between the previous version and the updated version. The previous version can be found in the zip file below. The updated version can be found under the individual documents.

All files
Former certification programme

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

For all categories
General requirements

The general framework for certification of licence holders and the general conditions

Only for Online casinos
Requirements for RNG

Ensuring that the RNG works correctly. 

Only for Online casinos
Requirements for base platform

Ensuring that the licence holder's base platform works correctly. 

May only be used by licence holders.

For all categories
Information Security Management System

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are protected against threats and secure sensitive information stored in the systems.

For all categories
Requirements for Penetration Testing

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are tested for vulnerabilities.

For all categories
Requirements for vulnerability scanning

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are scanned for vulnerabilities

For all categories
Change Management Programme

Ensuring that all changes to the gambling system are conducted to this set of standards, hereby seeking an adequate quality for the implementation of changes.

Only for Online casinos
Requirements for games - online casino

Game specific requirements for the use of game certificates.

All files
All documents for lotteries
All files
Former certification programme
All files
Former certification programme

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

All files
Former certification programme

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

All files
Former certification programme

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

All files
All documents for land-based casino
For all categories
General requirements

The general framework for certification of licence holders and the general conditions

Only for Land-based casinos
Testing standards for land-based casino
Only for Betting
Requirements for RNG

Ensuring that the RNG works correctly. 

Only for Lottery - monopolies
Testing standards for lotteries
Only for Land-based betting
Requirements for base platform

Ensuring that the licence holder's base platform works correctly. 

May only be used by licence holders.

Only for Land-based casinos
Inspection standards for land-based casino
Only for Lottery - monopolies
Inspection standards for lotteries
For all categories
Information Security Management System

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are protected against threats and secure sensitive information stored in the systems.

For all categories
Requirements for Penetration Testing

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are tested for vulnerabilities.

For all categories
Requirements for vulnerability scanning

Ensuring that the licence holder's gambling system and business system are scanned for vulnerabilities

For all categories
Change Management Programme

Ensuring that all changes to the gambling system are conducted to this set of standards, hereby seeking an adequate quality for the implementation of changes.

Only for Game supplier
Requirements for games - online casino

Game specific requirements for the use of game certificates.

Only for Betting
Requirements for games - online betting

Requirements for betting platform for the use of game certificates.

Only for Land-based betting
Requirements for games - land-based betting

Requirements for betting platform for the use of game certificates.

Standard reports

Former standard reports

May be used up to and including 30 June 2025

Standard reports

For every document there is a standard report with the document code: SCP.XX.XX.EN you must use when reporting to the Danish Gambling Authority on certification. The document code for standard reports use the same system as the documents of the certification programme. 

When you have obtained a licence

Payment of fees

If you have a licence to provide online casino you must pay a fee depending on the gross gaming revenue for the calendar year. The fee must be paid to the Danish Gambling Authority. 

Overview of fees on betting and online casino


Changes to the licence

Form 2-07

Modifications of the licence to provide betting and/or online casino

For changes to the licence, use form 2-07 – Modifications. If there are any changes to previously approved persons regarding the executive board members and board members, you must fill out from 2-07. If any new individuals are appointed to roles covered by Annex A, you must fill out form 2-02. 

The Danish Gambling Authority may decide that an individual covered by Annex A must resign from their post if they have been convicted of a criminal offence that involves a risk that they will misuse their access to working with gambling activities. 

Changes to the ownership structure

The Danish Gambling Authority must be notified if the ownership structure is changed. In this connection, it is assessed whether the new owner is able to operate in an appropriate, financial manner. The assessment will be based on forwarded financial documents. The list of documents is listed in form 2-07.

As a rule, a licence cannot be transferred. However, based on an assessment this procedure can be deviated from if the licence is transferred between two companies in the same group and if both companies are entirely owned by the same owner. It is a condition that the financial circumstances at the time of issuance of the licence are unchanged.

If there are changes to the ownership structure, you must send the documents on new ownership structure listed in form no. 2-07. When there are changes to the ownership structure, the Danish Gambling Authority can also require that a statement from an approved auditor on whether the financial situation will be improved or worsen in connection with the change. 

Registration and payment of gambling duty

Form 29.063

Registration - Gambling duty - except duty on gaming machines


Gambling operators must register with the Danish Business Authority by using the registration form no. 29.063, which is available on the Danish Tax Agency’s website. If you have any questions regarding the registration or payment of gambling duty please contact the Danish Tax Agency at tel. no. +45 72 22 18 18. You will find a guidance on how to register with the Danish Business Authority here

Report about supply of gambling

Form 2-05

Form 2-05 Report about supply of gambling

No later than 14 months after a licence for online casino has been put to use, the licencee must submit a report on the supply of gambling to the Danish Gambling Authority. You must use form no. 2-05. Below you will find a list of enterprises that are approved to complete the report about supply of gambling. You can read more about the report in Information 14.

Approved enterprises

Information about eID

Gambling oprators who want to obtain a licence to online casino or betting must prepare their gambling system for use of an eID from a Danish identification scheme or an ID approved by the DGA. 

In Denmark, we use the eID "MitID" that gambling operators can use by getting access via a broker. If MitID is used, the assurance level must be "substantial" or more. 

The Danish Gambling Authority refers to: or the Agency for Digital Government's page on "MitID"

If you want to use another eID than MitID, you must contact the DGA.

The Danish Gambling Authority's legal guide

The legislation on all gambling categories

Guidelines for operators of betting and online casino

Description of licence requirements for betting and online casino providers

Guide on sales promotion

The guide is a supplement to the gambling legislation's chapters on sales promotion and is published in December 2020, as a consequence of the new executive orders. 

The Danish Gambling Authority's guide on duty of disclosure when marketing and advertising gambling
Guidelines about supply of guessing competitions

This guideline is intended for citizens and companies who are interested in providing guessing competitions in Denmark

Guide on registration of a company in order to pay gambling duties
Guide on Bluewhale

How to receive and send messages using Bluewhale

The Danish Gambling Authority's guide on responsible gambling
Guide on financial documents used for applications

Laws and Executive Orders

See historical versions of the legislation

Notice: There may have been made later changes to the acts/executive orders. Please confer with the Danish legal text in order to ensure that you have the latest version of the acts. You are always welcome to contact the Danish Gambling Authority in case of doubt.

The English versions of the acts and executive orders are unofficial translations. In case of any discrepancy between the original Danish text and the English translations of the acts and executive orders, the Danish text shall prevail.

Consolidation Act No. 1303
Of 04 Sep 2020

The Danish Act on Gambling

Only available in Danish

Executive Order no. 1274
Of 29 Nov 2019

On online casino

Only available in Danish

Provision of online casino is covered by the rules on anti-money laundering. You can find more information and legislation on money laundering under Prevention of money laundering. 

Read more about prevention of money laundering


Read the Danish Gambling Authority's newsletters about online casino legislation.  
