The Danish Gambling Authority's report on illegal gambling 2020
The Danish Gambling Authority's annual report on illegal gambling has now been published. It provides an overview of the Danish Gambling Authority's work in monitoring illegal gambling with a special focus on efforts to prevent illegal gambling in 2020.
Excerpts from the report
The Danish Gambling Authority continues blocking of illegal websites
In 2020 the Danish Gambling Authority had 16 websites blocked and increased its focus on searching for illegal websites in cooperation with the Danish Tax Agency's anti-fraud unit.
Research project on video gaming and gambling
The Danish Gambling Authority has initiated a research project with VIVE (the Danish center for social science research). The purpose of the project is to examine the role that gambling plays in relation to young people’s video gaming. The project will focus on online gambling and in particular on how children and young people relate to elements related to gambling in online video games. It is expected that the research project is completed in 2021 with a report.
Illegal gambling during the COVID-19 pandemic
Especially during the first lockdown of Denmark in spring, the Danish Gambling Authority observed an increase in bingo-events. Several of the events were held with a focus on social aspects such as increasing the sense of unity – particularly in the local communities. Several of the bingo events did not comply with the rules for charity lotteries, which require a licence of there is a stake, an element of chance, or a chance to win a prize. Therefore, the Danish Gambling Authority spent resources on guiding about the rules on holding bingo events.