Political agreements

Here, you will find an overview of gambling-related political agreements.  

Aftale om enklere regler for lotterier og banko

I marts 2024 vedtog regeringen og alle Folketingets partier en aftale om at ændre reglerne for lotterier og banko. Læs hele aftalen med tilhørende bilag i pdf-filen. 

Enklere regler for lotterier og banko (marts 2024)

Politisk aftale om nye regler for udbud af lotterier

Agreement on new rules for charity lotteries and strengthened supervision

In February 2022, the government along with the parties of the Danish Parliament agreed on the "Agreement on new rules for charity lotteries and strengthened supervision". You can read the entire agreement and appendixes here.  

Agreement on new rules for charity lotteries and strengthened supervision (Februar 2022)

Only available in Danish

Appendix A - New model for charity lotteries

Overview of the new model for charity lotteries, which was decided with the agreement on new rules for charity lotteries and strengthening of supervisory powers from February 2022. 
Only available in Danish

Appendix B - Increased supervision and effort against match-fixing

Overview of the parts of the agreement, among other things, an strengthened effort against match-fixing and increased supervisory powers for the Danish Gambling Authority. 
Only available in Danish

Agreement on introduction of player ID for land-based betting

In November 2021, "Agreement on introduction of player ID for land-based betting" was agreed on.  

Agreement on introduction of a player ID for land-based betting (November 2021)

Only available in Danish

Player ID for betting in land-based shops and kiosks

Read more about the purpose of the player ID

Only available in Danish

Agreement on new initiatives against compulsive gambling and adjustments to the gambling agreement 

In June 2018, a political agreement on new initiatives against compulsive gambling and adjustments to the gambling agreement was formed. Read or download the Danish Gambling Authority's unofficial English translation of the agreement.

Agreement on new initiatives against compulsive gambling and adjustments to the gambling agreement