Newsletter 54

05 Apr 2022

Annual account 2021

All betting and/or online casino licence holders that have held a licence in the period between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 must submit an annual account.

The annual account for 2021 must again this year be completed and submitted via a questionnaire. The questionnaire must be completed in one session. Therefore, we recommend that you have ready all relevant information listed below before you begin the questionnaire. Before you can complete the questionnaire, you will receive a link with a corresponding password.

Licence holders, for whom 2021 was the first year of providing gambling products, are not required to submit an annual account. Instead, a report on the first year of providing gambling products must be submitted no later than 14 months after the licence has been used for the first time.

A renewal of a licence is considered a new licence. This means that all terms and conditions that apply to the first year of providing gambling products must be fulfilled again, including the requirement of a report one year after the licence has been used for the first time, cf. section 43(1) of the Act on Gambling.

The annual account must be in the Danish Gambling Authority’s possession no later than 31 May 2022.

What must be included in the annual account?

The annual account must include: the company’s key financial data and an account of how the licence holder has complied with the requirements of the law. The account should only concern the offering of gambling services and products in the Danish market in 2021 unless otherwise stated below.

If you hold a licence to provide gambling products in Greenland, the annual account must also cover the provision of gambling products in this area. This means that all data must include Greenland, also in the cases that additionally request data on your provision in Greenland specifically.

The Danish Gambling Authority’s use of the annual accounts

If you fail to prepare and send your annual account, it is considered a gross violation of the Gambling Act and may cause us to withdraw your licence under section 44(1)(1) of the Gambling Act.

The annual accounts are thoroughly reviewed by the Danish Gambling Authority for supervisory purposes.


The Danish Gambling Authority is subject to a special duty of confidentiality under section 17(1)(1) of the Tax Administration Act. This means that the Danish Gambling Authority does not disclose any information or data, which may be assigned to a specific natural or legal person, and which concerns the person’s financial, business or personal circumstances.

Questions in the annual account 2021

Information about the licence holder:

Licence holder                                                _________________
Contact person for the annual account          _________________
E-mail address of contact person                  _________________
Telephone number of contact person            _________________

Do you have a licence to offer online casino?

□ Yes
□ No

Do you have a licence to offer betting?

□ Yes
□ No

Do you offer land-based betting?

□ Yes
□ No

Do you exclusively offer land-based betting?

□ Yes
□ No

Do you offer gambling services and products in Greenland?

□ Yes
□ No

1. Statistics – Registered players in 2021

1.1. State the number of registered players who have created an account in 2021 according to age and sex:

If you have a licence to offer both betting and online casino, you may state a total number of your registered players.

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

18-25 years                            _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                            _________________
66-75 years                            _________________
76 + years                             _________________

2. Statistics – Active players – Online casino

2.1. State the number of active players who have created an account in 2021 according to age and sex:

Active players mean all the players who have gambled with you in 2021. The numbers must include active players who were registered in 2021 and active players in 2021 who were registered before 2021.

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

3. Statistics – Active players – Betting

3.1. State the number of active players on betting in total in 2021 according to age and sex.

Active players mean all the players who have gambled with you in 2021. The numbers must include active players who were registered in 2021 and active players in 2021 who were registered before 2021.

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

18-25 years                            _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                            _________________
66-75 years                            _________________
76 + years                             _________________

4. Statistics – Greenland

4.1. State the number of registered players in Greenland who have created an account in 2021 according to age and sex:

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

4.2. State the total number of active players in 2021 in Greenland according to age and sex:

Active players mean all the players who have gambled with you in 2021. The numbers must include active players who were registered in 2021 and active players in 2021 who were registered before 2021.

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

18-25 years                           _________________
26-35 years                           _________________
36-45 years                           _________________
46-55 years                           _________________
56-65 years                           _________________
66-75 years                           _________________
76 + years                             _________________

5. Key financial data – Income and expenses

5.1. Key financial data – Income

If you have a licence to both online casino and betting, please state the information below for your total business activities in Denmark.

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Deposits                                                                         _________________
Deposits are the total amount players pay into their accounts.

Financial income                                                            _________________
Financial income concerns the licence holder’s financial activities and includes interest income, exchange differences and profits and gains from securities.

Other income                                                                 _________________
Other income concerns all other sources of income than the above-mentioned.

5.1.1. Key financial data - Income

Which other sources of income?                                    _________________

5.2. Key financial data - Expenses

If you have a licence for both online casino and betting, please state the information below for your total business activities in Denmark.

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Payouts                                                                           ________________
Payouts are the total amount withdrawn by players from their accounts via various payout solutions such as bank transfers, debit cards etc.

Gambling duty                                                                _________________

Annual fee to the Danish Gambling Authority                _________________

Special contribution to the horse racing sports              _________________

Only relevant if you offer betting on horse racing.

Staff charges                                                                  _________________
Staff charges are all expenses connection to the employment of staff, for example, salary, pension, insurance, education, training and courses.

Financial expenses                                                        _________________
Financial expenses concern the licence holder’s financial activities and includes for example, interest expenses, and loss from securities.

Write-offs/write-downs                                                   _________________
Write-offs/write-downs are reductions of the value of a business’s assets.

Additional expenses (including marketing expenses,
ut excluding bonusses)                                                  _________________

Additional expenses concern all other sources of expenses, including marketing expenses).

Taxes on the profit and loss for the period                     _________________

Profit and loss for the year (after tax)                             _________________

Equity                                                                             _________________

6. Key financial data – Online casino

6.1. Key financial data - Revenue

State deposits, winnings, commission and gross gaming revenue subject to taxes for online casino in 2021.

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Stakes                                                        _________________
Stakes are defined as the sum of the stakes placed in games. Bonuses are included in stakes. Stakes from commission games must not be included.

Winnings                                                    _________________
Winnings are the total amount of money that players have won in games. Winnings from commission games must not be included.

Commission                                               _________________
Commission is typically a percentage of the stake that players pay to the licence holder to participate in a game where they play against other players, for example poker and bingo.

Dutiable gross gaming revenue (GGR)      _________________
Gross gaming revenue is defined as stakes minus winnings plus commission.

6.2. Key financial data – gross gaming revenue (GGR) in Greenland

State the gross gaming revenue from online casino offered in Greenland. If you cannot state a precise figure, please state a qualified estimate.

The amount must be stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

Gross gaming revenue in Greenland ________________

6.3 Key financial data – expectations to gross gaming revenue

What are your expectations to GGR for online casino in 2022 and 2023?

The amount must be stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

Expected gross gaming revenue in 2022 ___________________
Expected gross gaming revenue in 2023 ___________________

7. Key financial data - Betting

7.1 Key financial data – taxable gross gaming revenue (GGR)

State deposits, winnings, commission and gross gaming revenue subject to tax for betting in 2021.

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner)

Deposits                                                    _________________
Deposits are defined as the sum of the stakes placed on gambling. Bonusses are included in deposits. Deposits from commission games are not included.

Winnings                                                    _________________
Winnings are the total amount players have won in gambling. Winnings from commission games are not included.

Commission                                               _________________
Commission is a percentage of stakes or winnings that players pay to the licence holder in a game against other players. Commission is typical for licence holders who offer peer-to-peer betting exchanges.

Taxable gross gaming revenue (GGR)       _________________
Gross gaming revenue is defined as stakes minus winnings plus any commission.

7.2. Key financial data – gross gaming revenue (GGR) in Greenland

State the gross gaming revenue from betting offered in Greenland. If you cannot state a precise figure, please state a qualified estimate.

The amount must be stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

Gross gaming revenue in Greenland ________________

7.3 Key financial data – expectations to gross gaming revenue

What are your expectations for GGR for online casino in 2022 and 2023?

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Expected gross gaming revenue in 2022 ___________________
Expected gross gaming revenue in 2023 ___________________

7.4. Key financial data – sales channels

What are your stakes and winnings in the various sales channels in 2021?

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Online includes both computers and mobile phones.

Online stakes                                             ___________________
Online winnings                                          ___________________
Land-based stakes                                     ___________________
Land-based winnings                                 ___________________

7.5. Key financial data – Live betting

State stakes and winnings from live bets and bets made before the start of the event.

All amounts must be stated as DKK (Danish kroner).

Live bets – stakes                                                           _________________
Live bets – winnings                                                        _________________
Bets made before the start of an event- stakes              _________________
Bets made before the start of an event – winnings         _________________

8. Marketing – Online casino

8.1. Marketing – Media

Enter marketing expenses stated in Danish kroner (DKK) for the Danish market on the following media:

TV                                                                                    _________________
Cinema                                                                             ________________
Printed media                                                                   _________________
Radio                                                                                _________________
Internet: Google Ads SEO                                                _________________
Internet: Banner advertisement on third party websites   _________________
Internet: Social media                                                      _________________
Internet: Affiliates                                                             _________________
Own website                                                                    _________________
E-mail                                                                              _________________
SMS                                                                                _________________
Sponsorships                                                                  _________________
Outdoor advertising                                                         _________________
Other                                                                               _________________

8.1.1. Marketing – Sponsorships

State which associations, organisations or businesses etc. you have sponsored.

8.1.2. Marketing – Other

State what is covered by “Other”

8.2. Marketing – TV channels

State how much is spent on TV-marketing on the following TV channels stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

TV 2                                                                                        _________________
Discovery Networks Denmark (e.g. Kanal 4, 5, 6, 7 og 9)      _________________
Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT)
(e.g. TV 3, 3+, 3 puls, 3 sport)                                                _________________
Other                                                                                       _________________

8.2.1. Marketing – Other TV channels

Please state other TV channels     _______________________________________

8.3. Marketing – Social media

State how much is spent on social media marketing on the following social media stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

YouTube                                                    _________________
Instagram                                                  _________________
Facebook                                                  _________________
Twitter                                                       _________________
Snapchat                                                   _________________
TikTok                                                        _________________
Influencers/Streamers                               _________________
By influencers/streamers
we mean persons who advertise via social media.
Other social media                                      _________________

8.3.1 Marketing – Influencers/Streamers

Which influencer(s)/streamer(s) do you use?

8.3.2 Marketing – Other social media

Please state the other social media used.

9. Marketing – Betting

9.1. Marketing – Media

Enter marketing expenses stated in Danish kroner (DKK) for the Danish market on the following media:

TV                                                                                      _________________
Cinema                                                                               _________________
Printed media                                                                      _________________
Radio                                                                                   _________________
Internet: Google Ads SEO                                                   _________________
Internet: Banner advertisement on third party websites      _________________
Internet: Social media                                                          _________________
Internet: Affiliates                                                                  _________________
Own website                                                                         _________________
E-mail                                                                                   _________________
SMS                                                                                     _________________
Sponsorships                                                                       _________________
Outdoor advertising                                                              ________________
Other                                                                                    _________________

9.1.1. Marketing – Sponsorships

State which associations, organisations or businesses etc. you have sponsored.

9.1.2. Marketing – Other

State what is covered by “Other”

9.2. Marketing – TV channels

State how much is spent on TV-marketing on the following TV channels stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

TV 2                                                                                        _________________
Discovery Networks Denmark (e.g. Kanal 4, 5, 6, 7 og 9)     _________________
Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT)
(e.g. TV 3, 3+, 3 puls, 3 sport)                                                _________________
Other                                                                                       _________________

9.2.1. Marketing – Other TV channels

Please state other TV channels.

9.3. Marketing – Social media

State how much is spent on social media marketing on the following social media stated in Danish kroner (DKK).

YouTube                                                    _________________
Instagram                                                   _________________
Facebook                                                   _________________
Twitter                                                        _________________
Snapchat                                                    _________________
TikTok                                                         _________________
Influencers/Streamers.                                _________________
By influencers/streamers we mean persons
who advertise via social media.
Other social media                                      _________________

9.3.1. Marketing – Influencers/Streamers

Which influencer(s)/streamer(s) do you use?

9.3.2. Marketing – Other social media

Please state the other social media used. 

9.3.3 Marketing – Live bets

State your marketing expenses on marketing of live bets in DKK (Danish kroner) for marketing on the Danish market via the following media:

TV                                                             _________________
Social media                                             _________________
Other                                                         _________________

9.3.4. State what is covered by ”Other”

10. Sales promotion

10.1. Which types of sales promotions do you use?


10.2. Bonus – Welcome bonus

State the share of welcome bonusses awarded in 2021 that have been completed.

“Completed” means that all terms and conditions are met, and the bonus can be withdrawn.

10.3. Bonus – Existing customers 

State the share of bonusses awarded in 2021 to existing customers that have been completed.
Existing customers are customers who have created and verified their account before 1 January 2021.

“Completed” means that all terms and conditions are met, and the bonus can be withdrawn.

11. Sales promotion – Betting

11.1 Which types of sales promotions do you use?


11.2. Bonus – Welcome bonus

State the share of welcome bonusses awarded in 2021 that have been completed.

“Completed” means that all terms and conditions are met, and the bonus can be withdrawn.

11.3. Bonus – Existing customers 

State the share of bonusses awarded in 2021 to existing customers that have been completed.

“Completed” means that all terms and conditions are met, and the bonus can be withdrawn.


12. Limitation of player accounts

Do you limit accounts?

By “limitation” is meant placing limits on stakes from certain players or limiting the amount of money that certain players can win. NB: Limitation does not cover deposit limits selected by the player himself.

□ Yes
□ No

13. Complaints

A complaint is defined as a player’s disagreement with a licence holder’s handling of a case or the result hereof, or if the player has used the word “complaint” in the enquiry/request.

13.1. State the number of complaints received from players                                  _________________

13.2. Number of enquires received, in which the word “complain(t)” is used         _________________

13.3. State the average casework time of a complaint                                           _________________

13.4. State the number of complaints, where the casework time

         has exceeded 14 days. The casework time is calculated

         from the day, when the complaint is received to the day

         when the complainant receives a final answer.                                             _____________

14. Responsible gambling

14.1. Training

How many employees have you trained with a view to preventing problem gambling and
ompulsive gambling?                                                                                                                             _________________

14.2. Self-test

14.2.1. Which type of self-test for compulsive gambling do you use?

□ Our own test
□ An external test

14.2.2. Are you informed of the number of players who use the self-test?  

□ Yes
□ No How many players have used the self-test?                        _________________

14.3. High rollers/VIP customers

14.3.1. Do you use VIP players/high roller customers?

□ Yes
□ No What are your criteria for becoming a VIP player /high roller?

14.4 Young people under the age of 18 – online

14.4.1. Have you discovered that persons under 18 have gambled online?

□ Yes
□ No State the procedures you have used when you have discovered that persons under 18 have gambled online.

14.5. Deposit limit

Number of registered players who have set a deposit limit in 2021:

Daily                                    _________________
Weekly                                 _________________
Monthly                                ________________

14.5.1. State the median, the 90th and the 99th percentile of deposit limits set in 2021

The median is the middle value of the deposit limits set. It is the same as the 50th percentile.

The definition of percentile (exemplified by the 99th percentile): The 99th percentile is the deposit limit whose value 99 percent of the deposit limits are below and 1 percent of the deposit limits are above.

Percentiles can typically be looked up in data programmes such as Excel.

Daily deposit limits – median                                              _________________
Daily deposit limits – 90th percentile                                   _________________
Daily deposit limits – 99th percentile                                   _________________

Weekly deposit limits– median                                            _________________
Weekly deposit limits – 90th percentile                                _________________
Weekly deposit limits – 99th percentile                                _________________

Monthly deposit limits – median                                           _________________
Monthly deposit limits – 90th percentile                               _________________
Monthly deposit limits – 99th percentile                               _________________

14.6. Self-exclusion

Number of players who have chosen a cool-off period or temporary exclusion with you:

24 hours                                                    _________________
30 days                                                       _________________
More than 30 days                                      _________________
Permanent self-exclusion                           _________________
Other period                                                _________________

14.6.1. Self-exclusion – Other period

State what is covered by “other period”.    __________________

14.7. Marketing for self-excluded players

State the measures you have in place to ensure that you do not send marketing material to players who have self-excluded from gambling on your site.

14.8. Land-based betting

14.8.1. Have you discovered that land-based bets have been sold to persons under 18?

□ Yes
□ No How many cases of land-based bets sold to persons under 18 have you discovered?
Number          _________________ State the measures you have taken when you have discovered that land-based bets have been sold to persons under 18.

15. Money laundering

You must answer the following questions for the use of the Danish Gambling Authority’s risk assessment and inspections of the businesses covered by the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The information is requested on the basis of section 65(2) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

15.1 Do you use third party assistance to apply customer due diligence measures, cf. section 22 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act?

□ Yes
□ No

15.1.1 State the name and address on the third party responsible for completing customer due diligence measures.



□ Yes
□ No

15.1.3. Please state the exact phrasing of the condition in the contract between you and the third party, which regulates the disclosure of information and data.


15.1.4. Is there another company within the group who applies customer due diligence measures, cf. section 23 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act?

□ Yes
□ No

15.1.5. Have you, based on section 24 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, outsourced tasks that you are obligated to carry out pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering Act?

□ Yes
□ No State the name and address of the third party to whom you have outsourced tasks cf. section 24 of the AML Act.

___________________________________________________ State which tasks you have outsourced.


15.2. Do you allow a player to create a temporary account, cf. section 6 of the Executive Order on online betting and the Executive Order on online casino?

□ Yes
□ No

15.3. Please, tick the payment options you offer in connection with payment of deposits for online gambling.

□ Credit card
□ Bank transfers
□ Prepaid credit cards 
□ Mobile Pay
□ E-wallets
□ Other

15.3.1 If other payment options, state the options.


15.3.2. Please, tick the payment options you offer in connection with withdrawals from online gambling.

□ Credit cards
□ Bank transfers
□ Prepaid credit cards
□ NemKonto
□ Mobile Pay
□ E-wallets
□ Other If other payment options, state the options.


15.4. Does the payout take place in a “closed circuit”/closed loop or does the player have the option to freely select, which payout method to use?

Closed circuit //closed loop means that payouts can only be made to, for example, the debit card that has been used for deposits.

□ Closed circuit, if possible
□ The player is free to choose any payout option
□ We decide which payout option that must be used 

15.4.1. If you have chosen the last option, describe in general how a payout method is selected.


15.5. Please, tick the payment options you offer in connection with payment of deposits for land-based gambling.

□ Credit cards
□ Bank transfers
□ Vouchers
□ Prepaid credit cards
□ Cash
□ Other

15.5.1. If others payment options, state the options.


15.6. Please, tick the payment options you offer in connection with withdrawals from land-based gambling.

□ Credit cards
□ Bank transfers
□ Vouchers
□ Cash
□ ”Spilkort” (Gambling cards) with transfer to bank account
□ Other

15.6.1. If others payment options, state the options.


15.7. State the number of customer relations in 2021 that you have categorized as high-risk customers.  

Number:                               ________________

15.8. State the number of accounts in 2021 connected to a politically exposed person, a family member of a politically exposed person or a close associate of a politically exposed person.

Number:                               ________________

15.9. State the number of successful deposits and withdrawals (total number of transactions) in 2021.

Total number of transactions: ________________

15.10. State the number of notifications sent to the Anti-Money Laundering Secretariat (in Denmark) in 2021.

Number:                               ________________

15.11. State the number of active players in 2021 about whom you have made a notification in previous years.

Number:                               ________________

15.12. State the number of players who have had their account closed in 2021 based on a suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing.

Number:         ________________

15.13. Have your group received any administrative or criminal sanctions in 2021 concerning money laundering, including fines, court rulings, orders, reprimands, reports to the police or similar?

□ Yes
□ No

15.13.1. How many administrative and/or criminal sanctions have your group received in 2021?

Number:                              ________________

15.13.2. Which type(s) of sanction(s) has/have been given?
15.13.3. Who have given the sanction(s)? Please state the authority and country.


15.14. State the total number of administrative decisions for breaches of gambling legislation received by the group in 2021.

Number of administrative decisions in the group:                 ________________

15.15. Do you have an internal whistleblower scheme (for gambling operators with more than 5 employees)?

□ Yes 
□ No

15.15.1. If yes, describe how the anonymity of a whistleblower is ensured. 


15.15.2: How can a whistleblower make a report?

□ By telephone
□ Via anonymous two-way communication system
□ Other State which other type of report the whistleblower can make.


16. Money Laundering – Greenland

Questions 14.1 and 14.2 cover the compliance with the decree on the entry into force of the Act on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism (the Anti-Money Laundering Act) for Greenland. The questions are asked based on section 65(2) of the decree.

Section 26 of the decree on the entry into force of the Act on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism states that you must report to the Anti-Money Laundering Secretariat of transactions or enquiries that raise suspicion that the transaction or enquiry has been or is connected to money laundering or financing of terrorism.

The questions below are only aimed at gambling operators with a licence to offer gambling activities in Greenland. This means that the questions below only concern reports, customer relations, deposits and withdrawals, and information about politically exposed persons in Greenland.

16.1. State the number of notifications made to the Money Laundering Secretariat (in Greenland) in 2021.

Number: _____________________________

16.2. State the number of customer relations in 2021 you have categorised as high-risk customers.

Number: _____________________________

16.3. State the number of accounts that in 2021 were associated with a politically exposed person, a family member of a politically exposed person or a business partner of a politically exposed person.

Number: _____________________________

16.4. State the number of completed deposits and withdrawals (total transactions) in 2021.

Number of total transactions: ______________________________

The questions below are only to be answered if you offer land-based betting in Greenland.

16.5. Is your training material for your Greenlandic retailers and their employees identical to your training material for your Danish retailers and their employees as regards to content?

□ Yes
□ No

16.5.1. If the Greenlandic training material differs from the Danish training material, please describe how they differ.


16.6. Are your training methods for your Greenlandic retailers and their employees identical to your training methods for your Danish retailers and their employees?

□ Yes
□ No

16.6.1. If your training methods differ, please describe how they differ.


16.7. Is your training material prepared in Greenlandic or has it been translated into Greenlandic?

□ Prepared in Greenlandic.
□ Translated into Greenlandic.
□ Training material is not available in Greenlandic.

17. Match-fixing

17.1. State how many alerts you have
received from your alarm system                   _______________

17.1.1. In case you have not suspended a bet when you have received an alert from your alarm system, please state why.


17.2. State how many alerts you have
reported to your alarm system                       _______________

17.3. Have you suspended a bet based on a substantiated suspicion of match-fixing?

□ Yes
□ No

17.3.1. State how many bets you have suspended
based on a substantiated suspicion of match-fixing.        ___________________
17.3.2. State the event(s).


17.3.3. State the bet(s) at the event(s).


17.3.4. State the date(s) of the event(s).


17.4. State how many accounts you have closed or suspended based on a suspicion of match-fixing.


18. Set-off free account

18.1 State the average deposits of the 50 players with the largest amounts in their account on the 31st of December 2021.

State amount                         ________________

18.2 State the deposits on the set-off free account on the 31st of December 2021.

State amount                         ________________

19. Inactive accounts 

19.1 State the number of inactive accounts on the 31st of December 2021.

By an “inactive account” is meant an account that has not been used for any gambling activities within the reference period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.

Number of inactive accounts   ________________

19.1.1 Deposits on the total number of inactive accounts on the 31st of December 2021.

Amounts                                  ________________

20. Account for how you have complied with the requirements of the law.

Please provide information about the company’s main activities and developments hereof, as well as a description of significant factors that have or are expected to impact the company.

If you are part of a group, it must be described which uncertainty factors that fall on you and the group respectively.

State the main events, such as campaigns, changes to the offer of gambling products or gambling platforms, as well as other significant initiatives etc.

What are your expectations for 2021?

21. Domains 

21.1. Which active domains do you have at the time of answering the annual account 2021?

Please state the domains used under your licence to offer gambling at the time of answering this account. In case you have closed one or more domain(s) during 2021, these domains should not appear from the answer.

22. Gambling offers via apps

22.1. Do you use an app/apps to offer gambling?

By “app” is meant an application used to offer gambling activities and services via mobile devices.

□ Yes
□ No

22.1.1. If yes, what are your app(s) called?


23. Contact persons 

State the contact persons that must appear from the Danish Gambling Authority’s internal systems. If there are changes to contact persons with an area of responsibility, please note that you must complete and submit form no. 2-07.

The company’s contact person/e-mail/tel. no.

Legal contact person/e-mail/tel. no

Technical contact person/e-mail/tel. no.       

The person responsible for gambling software and the operation of games/e-mail/tel. no.

The person responsible for finance/e-mail/tel. no.

The person responsible for monitoring anti-money laundering of proceeds and combat of terrorism financing/e-mail/tel. no.       

The person responsible for system changes/e-mail/tel. no.   

The person responsible for IT security/e-mail/tel. no.    

Thank you for completing the annual account 2021

The completed annual account will be sent to the e-mail stated in the beginning of the annual account as soon as possible and no later than five working days. It will be sent via digital post or BlueWhale.